EU Migration Pact Must Be Implemented as Quickly as Possible: Germany

Migrants trying to reach Europe via the Mediterranean. X/ @FactRefuge

October 10, 2024 Hour: 8:14 am

Spain will also ask the EC to bring forward the implementation of the migration pact to the summer of 2025 instead of 2026.

On Thursday, Germany’s Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said that her country’s priority is for the European Union to implement the new migration and asylum pact as quickly as possible.


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“My priority is to implement the great European success, that is, the migration and asylum pact, as quickly as possible. We need to get the system working again,” Faeser stated upon her arrival at the meeting of interior ministers of the European Union countries taking place in Luxembourg.

She revealed that she is in “close contact” with the European Commission and countries such as Spain, Italy, France, and Greece to address the issue, demonstrating a “clear signal” that Germany wants to find a solution at the EU level. In fact, before the start of the ministerial meeting, Faeser held a bilateral meeting with Spain’s Interior Minister, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, to discuss the implementation of the pact.

Faeser said that Germany will maintain controls at internal borders until there is “a European solution so that the EU’s external borders are better protected.”

The minister also pointed out that a “revision” of the return policy is needed, because in the six years it has been in force, “it has not worked,” and at the same time, agreements must be signed with third countries to make the return of migrants “effective.”

When asked whether Germany agrees with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s proposal to create detention centers outside the EU, Faeser responded: “This involves procedures in other countries. We are looking into it, and we will soon be able to make the results public.”

At the Luxemburg meeting, the German minister also opposed the request made by the Netherlands to be exempted from the EU’s migration policy.

On Wednesday, Spanish President Pedro Sanchez announced that he would ask the European Commission to bring forward the implementation of the migration pact to the summer of 2025 instead of 2026.

teleSUR/ JF Source: EFE